Here is the understanding of Lady Silence.
I find it somewhat disturbing the number of people who connect with the wife in this story and blame the man for not listening. There are 4 times silence appears in this story. In order of appearance they are when the man refuses to speak to his wife. When the wife pursues doing work she is unequipped for on her own, when the wife is crushed and when the man falls to his knees. There is an obvious disconnect between the two characters. While the wife communicates through words the husband communicates through silence. It is only logical that those readers who communicate through words would connect with the woman and respond accordingly. It also seems that any who might communicate through silence and connect with the man would remain silent as shown by there seeming non-response.
The message I am trying to get across is twofold. To those who communicate through words; listen to the silence of others. To those who communicate through silence; if you do not use your words others will never hear your silence.
It is said that communication is both speaking and listening but I say rounded communication speaks and listens to both words and silence.
Listen again and ask yourself, "What does Lady Silence speak to me?"
I wanted to put an in-the-middle thumb because though I appreciate hearing your interpretation and like to know the meaning behind why you wrote it... I also feel that there is value in letting the reader figure it out for themself :).
Though, this response makes me look at the story differently, and I definitely agree! I guess I am one of those people who uses words too much and should listen to the silence... yea. So, though I like to figure it out... there are things you have said here that I obviously did not figure out on my own.
If that makes sense. :D
Your sis,
-Sharayah :)
You are right, it is good to allow the reader to come to an understanding on their own. This is why I gave so much time before posting my perspective. Not to replace their perspective but to add another perspective from which they may draw an understanding. I thank you for sharing your input and perspective with me. Likewise I wish to return the favor.
I couldn't agree more.
I was thinking about it more in class and I guess people can MISinterpret things too... as Jesus was very often misinterpreted in sharing his parables... and fail to see the other side or the full extent of the message because certain aspects are easier to grasp (the parts that relate to themselves), and so, I do place value in your sharing your thoughts as well because it forces me to see things in a different light. So I agree. :)
I totally missed it at first - but now I have to much more of a message is put through in silence?
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